Data Centre Magazine June 2023 | Page 122

The increasing pace of cloud repatriation Cloud repatriation is the term coined for when companies move away from the public cloud in favour of either private cloud or on-premise solutions . It ’ s a trend that is rapidly growing in momentum , and is proving key to fuelling the next phase of growth for Hyve .
“ Private cloud is huge , and this repatriation trend is such a big factor in our sales currently ,” Madders says .
“ I think it ’ s because , when they ’ re building an app or a site , people start off with their online infrastructure , and their developers just automatically build it and deploy it to Amazon or Microsoft . In fact , in a lot of cases , the actual place where they ’ re writing the code has buttons that push straight out to Microsoft Azure – you just press a button and it goes and deploys immediately .”
Although this is ideal for a developer , it quickly proves problematic for businesses .
“ But , when you roll that from development into production ( and the developers leave them to it ), at that point , that ’ s when it becomes very challenging to run . Then , they usually have to recruit a third party to actually run the infrastructure ,” Madders explains .
“ So , they ’ re paying Microsoft or Amazon to host it , and then they pay another company to run that infrastructure for them . Since there are so many variables and it ’ s all self-service , you ’ ve got to know exactly what you ’ re doing .”
Then , when it gets to the point where there is an issue – or even an outage – and the company realises that there is no one in the team who knows how to resolve the issue within the infrastructure , the appeal of repatriating to a managed host becomes clear .
122 June 2023