Data Centre Magazine June 2023 | Page 121



Jake Madders , along with his business partner Jon Lucas , founded Hyve Managed Hosting , in 2001 . Since then , in his role as Director , Jake has facilitated the growth of Hyve from a small start-up to a hugely successful managed cloud hosting company with a global customer base . With a long and established career in IT , Jake previously worked in infrastructure , internet services and architecture for an array of tech companies , including Microsoft , before founding Hyve .
The growth of Hyve Madders and Lucas initially worked together at Microsoft , with Madders helping to run the MSN infrastructure , while Lucas ’ work was more code-based .
“ But over time , we sort of got together , because we knew we could create something better ,” Madders explains .
“ The bills at Microsoft for running all their MSN infrastructure were just insane , and we could see how the same thing could be done at a way smaller price point . And that ’ s what gave us the idea for a hosting company .”
From here , Hyve was founded with the focus of creating a much more attentive , bespoke , flexible and personable solution .
“ We realised that all of our clients want private cloud infrastructure , which offers really secure , single tenant servers . And they want that bespoke management layer , where we are looking after them and working with them . They can just pick up the phone and speak to somebody who knows them and their platform ,” Madders adds .
“ That ’ s what you don ’ t get from the big hyperscalers – you ’ re on your own . And that ’ s a key repatriation point .”
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