Data Centre Magazine October 2020 | Page 77


DECEMBER 7-10 2020

Hosted by GARTNER

Location ONLINE


Gartner IT Infrastructure , Operations and Cloud Strategies Conference

Leading analytics firm Gartner has also taken its annual IT Infrastructure , Operations and Cloud Strategies Conference online for 2020 . Appropriately , key topics to be explored over the three day event will include ways for infrastructure managers and operations leaders to change plans rapidly to adjust to remote workforces and cost pressures , as well as to keep core systems operational and resilient . “ In these turbulent times , we know that IT Leaders are eager for insights on how to best prepare for the next normal . We look forward to sharing our latest research and recommendations in the virtual conference format ,” said Distinguished Gartner VP and conference chair , David Cappuccio . Key Speakers : David Cappuccio , Distinguished VP Analyst , Gartner ; Katherine Lord , VP Analyst , Gartner . datacentremagazine . com