Data Centre Magazine October 2020 | Page 73


OCP Virtual Summit

Originally slated for March , the Open Compute Project ’ s in-person event is the largest annual event for the open hardware community . This year ’ s summit was cancelled due to the pandemic and , in its place , the organisation held a virtual summit in May . Designed to be a rich , interactive experience , the OCP Virtual Summit included keynote sessions , executive tracks , an expo hall with expo hall talks , engineering workshops , the OCP Experience Centre and the OCP Future Technologies Symposium - all in a digital format . In order to pull off the event , over 350 speakers migrated over 250 sessions into a virtual , online , on-demand experience . At the end of the event , more than 7,000 industry professionals had attended . That number is expected to grow even more , since footage of all the talks , webinars and booth content will remain available for free until March 2021 . Key Speakers : Richard Hanley , Senior Software Engineer , Google ; Javier Gonzales , Principal Software Engineer , Samsung ; Xin Liu , Principal Product Manager , Microsoft Azure


MAY 12-15 2020

Hosted by


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