Data Centre Magazine October 2020 | Page 31

rather than the problems it solves or the money it generates , isn ’ t destined to be a market for very long .
A large contributor to the less-thanstellar debut of DCIM services was , according to Herman Chan , President of DCIM company Sunbird Software , a lack of clarity when it came to the nature of those services . “ When DCIM hit the market as a new concept , industry analysts were quick to hype it , but they lacked a single unified definition . Did DCIM integrate IT and Facilities ? Did it replace BMS and ITSM ? Did it include computational fluid dynamics analysis ? Where do Electrical Power Management Systems fit in ? Are IT and Network Systems Management / Monitoring tools part of the mix ? Who in an organisation should own DCIM ?” he recalled in an article from August of last year . “ Questions such as these were answered by the multitude of vendors and analysts , all putting their own spin on it . The value of DCIM was apparent , but the broad and scattered definitions caused problems for early adopters .”
The resultant confusion hamstrung the DCIM industry for almost a decade . Today , new technologies , new
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