Data Centre Magazine October 2020 | Page 26


Data Centre Magazine explores the developing relationship between data centre operators and DCIM strategies

As enterprises around the world become increasingly digitalised , interconnected and agile , the value of eliminating silos in favour of more holistic approaches has become a widely recognised strategy . Supply chain and procurement functions , once confined to a weekly meeting by the accounting departments , now extend into almost every aspect of the modern company . Agile strategies like Tribes and Squads have allowed companies like Spotify to reassess the way they spend money and time on projects , as well as bringing together interdisciplinary teams to work towards the same goal .
The data centre industry is undergoing constant , seismic change itself . From the shift towards managed services , cloud and colocation , to the ongoing balancing act between the hyperscale and the edge , this is a demanding time , data centre operators find themselves facing new challenges on a regular basis .
One of the most important approaches to data centre management , which has the potential to safeguard many operators against inefficiency and disruption , is Data Centre Infrastructure Management ( DCIM ). The phrase describes