Data Centre Magazine October 2020 | Page 15

DC Blox ’ s Views on the networking challenges that companies are facing with Covid19
DC Blox ’ s Views on the networking challenges that companies are facing with Covid19
15 we connect them privately to core Internet exchanges and to the public cloud providers . We really look at that connectivity and the uptime of our facilities as a key value that we bring to our markets .” Achieving DC BLOX ’ s high standards also requires a high standard of construction . “ Beyond the connectivity , it ’ s a question of how we build these facilities to be Tier 3-rated . It comes down to being concurrently maintainable , meaning that if any one system in the building fails , there is a backup system that can take over . It ’ s part of the design , it ’ s in the materials and the type of vendors that we use . It ’ s in the architecture for how we connect them together .”
Bill Thomson , VP , Marketing and Product Management at DC BLOX , affirms there is a significant amount of evaluation performed when deciding on the location of a data centre . “ We do a considerable amount of quantitative analysis of these markets . We first look for markets that have limited access to secure , reliable data centre facilities . We don ’ t just look at the market size but also their growth potential . We look at the amount of fiber access
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