Data Centre Magazine June 2024 | Page 85

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We need to change the received wisdom that data centres are dead and the cloud is alive

42,000 US homes using a conservative 1000 kWh / month .
“ What if instead you could move memory around to boost computation efficiency by a factor of 100 ,” asks Overton – rhetorically , because Kove : SDM™ allows memory to be shifted to where it ’ s needed , instead of having to shoehorn data into a platform .
He adds : “ You can take what we do , internalise it , and run things at a significant discount , so that it ’ s even cheaper than the cloud . All of a sudden , data centres have huge potential .
“ Data centre people need to understand there ’ s a new way of thinking around data centres . We need to change the received wisdom that data centres are dead and the cloud is alive .” datacentremagazine . com 85