“ Electricity 4.0 – that combination of digital and electric – is by far the fastest way to get that three-times acceleration and make sure we stay on that 1.5 ° warming trajectory . It ’ s applicable across all of the segments in society today , but especially the data centres of the future .”
The technologies required to realise this sustainability vision “ The key is that the technologies required by the systems are here today . There ’ s not one silver bullet that ’ s going to get us on the net-zero pathway – I think we can all be realistic about that . But the technology
just needs to be pursued today . And that ’ s where the Electricity 4.0 story gets evolved ,” Brown asserts .
“ So , over the next five-to-ten years , I think we ’ re going to see a rapid adoption of the types of digital and electric technologies that enable this vision .”
To this aim , Brown predicts that we will see the evolution of self-consumption . This is the concept of providers ( and indeed , individuals ) both producing and consuming the energy that they require .
“ On the residential side , that ’ s going to mean a more widespread adoption of solar and the technology that allows you to feed that back to
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