Our mission is : ‘ meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ’ ( United Nations 1987 ).
“ We have just acquired 20MW of power plants , and discussion is ongoing to acquire additional 80MW , hydrogen and gas power plants to power our facilities and participate in providing power to the grid , so we take sustainability very seriously . Our goal is to become the first company in Nigeria to reach net zero – we hope to achieve this as quickly as possible .”
The final element , partnership , is the key to everything the business does . “ We cannot do everything ourselves , so we work with trusted partners to ensure we cover as much ground as possible ,” Ajisebutu shares . “ We select the best partners in the world – those that are pioneering in their industries — to ensure we have experts in every area .”
“ Oracle is one of our partners , and I don ’ t believe that there ' s another company in this part of the world that understands database software to the depth that they do . We ’ re also partnered with Schneider Electric – a one-stop-shop for data centre infrastructures and software – they provide excellent products by excellent people coupled with excellent service delivery , we cannot ask for more . In addition , Siemens is the most advanced power company in the world with local knowledge and a positive approach to the market , to supply the power plant with power that is run by hydrogen and gas at the same time .”
21st Century Technologies is also partnered with Amazon , Microsoft Azure , VMware ,
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