Data Centre Magazine June 2023 | Page 59

INDUSTRY : IT SERVICES LOCATION : NIGERIA to tap these resources is building the right infrastructure . We decided to build a data infrastructure that digitally transforms the way we live , interact and do business . In Nigeria today , mobile technology is growing at a very high rate , with citizens now enjoying 5G .”
Technology has positively disrupted sectors such as education , financial services and healthcare , which has in turn enabled the convergence of various industry verticals . For example , telecommunication companies are offering banking services in Nigeria – providing evidence that the environment is evolving . Nigeria has proven to be very dynamic when it comes to technology . This is due , in part , to the


Wale Ajisebutu is the Chief
Executive Officer of 21st Century Technologies Limited , an Information Communication Technology Service Provider that was set up in 1997 .
Previous to the arrival of the company he is presently leading , Ajisebutu was solely a business man who engaged in the business of importation and exportation of households , fashion and corporate items .
He launched into the ICT space in 1997 to fulfill his curiosity to explore greater challenges and become more relevant in the country .
Shortly after his venture into the sector , Ajisebutu became a big name that got many talking of his exploits which not only lifted the sector but also aided businesses for telecommunication operators .