Data Centre Magazine June 2021 | Page 46



the heart of an IBM Cloud Data Center
The data centre of the future needs to arrive a lot sooner than anticipated in order to meet the skyrocketing demand for everything from digital infrastructure to streaming services . Pullen urges that “ COVID-19 has seen businesses digitally transforming in a way we ’ ve not seen previously , implementing more technology-based services and relying on the cloud more than ever before . Whilst the industry was well equipped to handle this increase in activity during the current pandemic , it ’ s important for data centres of the future to remain flexible and keep potential future global events in mind .”
The Birth of the Automated Data Centre One of the big repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic for the industry was an immediate reduction in the number of available onside staff . While some countries − like Germany − quickly moved to recognise data centres as critical pieces of infrastructure , akin to power plants or waste treatment facilities , operators in many countries were forced to cope with fewer onsite staff working longer hours . “ People have been working incredibly hard now for a long time , on longer hours and extended shifts ,” says Pullen . “ As it relates to development , restricted movement across
46 June 2021