1 . Quality control : Factory manufacturing allows for tighter quality control compared to on-site construction .
2 . Reduced waste : Standardisation and controlled manufacturing processes result in less material waste .
3 . Flexibility : Modular designs can be more easily scaled or reconfigured as needs change .
4 . Sustainability : The use of prefabricated components often allows for more sustainable building materials and reduces the carbon footprint associated with construction .
The company ’ s offerings include prefabricated , pre-fitted modules for various data centre sub-systems , including power infrastructure , cooling infrastructure , data halls , corridors and common areas . This comprehensive approach allows for a high degree of customisation while maintaining the benefits of standardisation .
“ Standardisation and productisation of pre-fab , pre-fitted build solutions allows the use of low carbon building material and less wastage of construction material driving green and sustainable construction ,” Sanjay explains .
Partnership strategy : An ecosystem approach Recognising that no single company can provide all the solutions , Huawei has developed an extensive ecosystem of partners . These partnerships span various specialties , including engineering firms , equipment suppliers for high , medium and low voltage systems , mechanical cooling systems providers and civil and
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