Data Centre Magazine December 2024 | Page 158

tailored training pathways designed to equip young talent – not just engineers – with skills relevant to modern energy challenges . “ We ’ re really about legacy ,” he adds . When AVK was a smaller business , it was easier to manage individuals ’ development , but now , as a growing industry player , AVK has set out a curriculum to encourage people into the business .
AVK ’ s centre of excellence is home to a Rolls-Royce Power Systems engine , where AVK works in partnership with- Rolls Royce to deliver training curriculums to people across varying ages and skill sets .
“ It allows us to do things the AVK way . There ’ s lots of different types of fantastic people in the industry and it allows us to be able to harness all of the knowledge and really hone that into a curriculum that allows whoever joins the AVK Academy to really step through a detailed progression into the industry .
“ The biggest thing for me is attracting new blood from different walks of life into an industry that is so fast paced . It allows for diverse thinking . If we continue to employ the same people we will still get better , but not as quickly as if we have AVK Academy .
“ It attracts anyone who ’ s not in the industry to come in and create a space that they feel comfortable in . We ’ re not going for the hierarchical vibe . For me , the biggest thing is bringing diverse thinking into the industry . It ’ s got to be one of the biggest focuses , allowing people to have that voice .”
158 December 2024