Data Centre Magazine December 2021 | Page 18


Hunter Newby

At the Forefront of the Digital Infrastructure Revolution

2022 promises to be a transformational year for the global interconnection landscape as networks continue to embrace 5G and new technologies drive the adoption of new applications throughout the consumer and enterprise sectors . Hunter Newby , co-founder of Netrality Data Centers , founder of Allied Fiber , and co-founder of groundbreaking enterprise communications business Telx , has spent more than 20 years at the leading edge of just about every corner of the communications space . At Telx , he pioneered the “ carrierneutral Meet-Me-Room ” and was a leading figure in the development of the US ’ colocation industry . Since Telx sold to Digital Realty for $ 1.9 billion in 2015 , Newby has continued to have a hand in groundbreaking digital infrastructure investment at just about every point in the industry - often several years ahead of the curve . Now , the industry is starting to catch up to Newby ’ s vision . “ The Neutral Submarine Cable Landing Station

Amount donated to charity

$ 1m

( CLS ) has come of age . It ’ s not ‘ new ’ per se , but it has become more mainstream . This will help open up many countries around the world and enable them to fully deregulate at the physical layer , which is how real , lasting change occurs ,” he explains , adding that neutral CLS will be a pivotal step in the physical diversification of mature markets like the US , “ with additional points where subsea meets terrestrial fiber systems . These also become natural , local network interconnection facilities which can drive down latencies and costs in previously remote locations .” Newby Ventures - Hunter ’ s multibillion dollar digital infrastructure investment firm - has been “ actively engaged in this emerging space for years ” through its subsidiaries like Fibre Centre and NJFX . The fact the market is catching up to Newby Ventures ’ early stage investment , however , “ has created more investment opportunities for us to look at participating in .” Throughout his 20 + years at the leading edge of digital infrastructure investment , Hunter characterises his approach to the market as “ transformational ,” always searching for ways to drive “ value creation through problem solving at scale .” Newby Ventures ’ competitive advantage , he reflects , lies “ in the combination of experience , vision , early-stage investment and active engagement for collective success .” Looking ahead , Hunter explains that “ 2022 will be a transformational year
18 December 2021