Data Centre Magazine August 2023 | Page 24



Coors at CIO Summit 23
“ Lex Coors was also a hugely deserving recipient of the Technology Champion Award […] His contribution to the digital infrastructure sector over the last 30 years has been vast , and since working with Digital Realty he has pioneered several new approaches to data centre design and management ,” commented Digital Realty .
Today , Coors also serves on the Governing Body for the iMasons Climate Accord ( ICA ) to help advance the decarbonisation strategy and provide industry-wide sustainability leadership in digital infrastructure .
“ Perception isn ’ t always reality . However , it is vitally important that they are closely aligned so that we can navigate the world more effectively and make better decisions ,” said Coors .
Furthering his climate efforts Coors has also been re-elected as a Board
Member of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact . “ It is an honour and a privilege to continue working alongside visionary leaders dedicated to combating climate change and shaping a sustainable future for our digital world ,” commented Coors on his re-election .
The Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact is a collective effort to make data centres more energy-efficient , resilient , and carbon-neutral . The pact is fostering innovation and implementing eco-friendly solutions to reduce the environmental impact of digital infrastructure .
“ During my previous term , we achieved significant milestones , such as promoting renewable energy usage , optimising cooling systems , and establishing best practices for data centre operations . But our journey doesn ’ t end here . I ’ m eager to build upon these successes
24 August 2023