Data Centre Magazine April 2024 | Page 124

According to cybersecurity leader Fortinet , securing a hybrid data centre involves a combination of other data centre security principles , but the process is typically more complex .
The applications and data kept in the cloud will need different security than those kept on-premises . Therefore , security for a hybrid data centre needs to be :
Borderless : The simplest solutions need to work regardless of where the data or process being protected is located . This kind of borderless security allows you to choose the resources you need without having to worry about slips in protection .
Unified : Everything needs to fall under the same security umbrella and be manageable using a single workstation . Even if multiple solutions are used , their management and control need to be unified so one entity can secure the hybrid environment .
Simplified and automated : With the diversity of environments introduced by a hybrid data centre , the need to automate security processes increases . This is because while monitoring and maintaining visibility between multiple environments increases , the chances of human error also grows significantly . Automating as many security
processes and ensuring the simplicity of your security architecture would reduce the chances of something going wrong .
Granular : To adequately protect a hybrid data centre setup , you need to attain granular visibility into not only isolated processes but also those involving the transmission of data between your on-premises and cloud data centres .
Flexible and scalable : Because cloud environments give you flexible infrastructures that can change according to need , your security needs to be able to do the same .
Redundant and resilient : In the event of an outage or interruption , your hybrid architecture will need to enable resiliency , and this may require redundancy . Therefore , your security solution has to have similar resiliency and redundancy to keep your environment protected if the need arises .
Dynamic : Hybrid data centre security , whether it is protecting a large , hyperscale data centre , an Infrastructure-as-a-Service ( IaaS ) environment , or a simple , on-prem / public cloud setup , needs to be able to change along with the configuration of the network . In this way , you can make changes to the network without having to worry about the alterations introducing vulnerabilities .
124 April 2024