Data Centre Magazine April 2024 | Page 120


Spanning public and private clouds and on-premise environments , embracing a hybrid data centre model allows an organisation to achieve a balance between the capabilities and benefits provided by public and private clouds , and on-prem infrastructure .

Research has found that IT leaders are increasingly adopting a hybrid approach , and in some cases undergoing a new trend of cloud repatriation , with security concerns , unexpected costs and performance issues being among the key worries . The hybrid cloud market is expected to be worth US $ 145bn in 2026 , due to the flexibility provided by balancing data between public cloud , private cloud and on-premises .
With a hybrid model being found to be the best of both worlds , the modern , hybrid data centre enables greater IT efficiency , automation , and agility . According to Palo Alto Networks , the use of a hybrid data centre is an evolution strategy that allows organisations to create the right mix of cloud and traditional IT to suit their needs .
Hybrid data centres offer strategic benefits to businesses According to Ian Jeffs , UK & I Country General Manager at Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group , hybrid setups are ideal because they allow companies to grow and digitally transform at their own pace . This approach offers the flexibility to choose between on-premise and cloud computing , based on specific business needs and requirements .
120 April 2024