Data Centre Magazine April 2024 | Page 101

DATA CENTRES AND SUSTAINABILITY emissions as a whole . There ’ s going to be a lot more around the globe as far as I ’ m concerned , and that ’ s the trend that we ’ re seeing within IBM and I ’ m sure it ’ s the same with Service Express .”
Ockwell agrees : “ Normally you see things start in the US and come to Europe . I think this is actually the reverse . Europe is well ahead . A lot of the regulations are starting here and influencing the US .”
Power10 : Propelling sustainability forward Working to consolidate data centre workloads to achieve a higher and more
Data centres are being built at an unprecedented rate around the world . In the United States alone , the data centre market size is expected to grow from US $ 18bn in 2023 to US $ 28bn in 2028 .
Likewise , Europe recorded the largest ever Q2 for data centre demand in 2023 , with London and Frankfurt dominating the market .
As increasing numbers of organisations want to adopt new technologies like AI , businesses are having to battle the rising tides of customer demand by coming up with new and sustainability-led solutions .
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