FOREWORD AWS ’ Next Big Idea : Smaller data centres ?
“[ Smaller countries ] may not need the full capability
[ of hyperscale cloud regions ] ... but need much more local infrastructure ”
Despite being one of the biggest builders of the world ’ s biggest hyperscale cloud data centres , Amazon Web Services may be about to take a different tack as it tries to strengthen its position in the APAC region . Increasingly , the way to conquer lots of smaller markets seems to be , well , lots of smaller data centres .
For the last five years , when AWS built a data centre , it built a sprawling , multi-megawatt hyperscale site . Then , it built three more next to it for good measure . These massive campuses have formed the company ’ s cloud regions in North America , Europe , and beyond — including in some of APAC ’ s larger markets like Japan , Australia , India and Hong Kong .
As the company looks to push into less mature markets however , AWS ’ APAC director Phil Davis has said that these smaller countries “ may not need the full capability [ of hyperscale cloud regions ] ... but need much more local infrastructure ."
It ' s a new approach for a new type of target market ; unlike in large markets like the US , and the highly interconnected , functionally identical markets that make up the EU , APAC is a patchwork of discrete countries that can ’ t readily be served by a single large cloud region . In response , one of the world ’ s biggest cloud companies looks like it ’ s going small .
HARRY MENEAR harry . menear @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED datacentremagazine . com 3